


1. 電纜系列代號:  Code for cable series:
船用電力電纜 C Shipboard power cable
船用控制電纜 CK Shipboard control cable
船用(yong)通信電纜 CH Shipboard instrumentation circuits cable
船用電線 CB Shipboard electric wire
2. 絕緣代號: 2. Code for insulation:
交聯聚乙烯絕緣 J (XLPE) insulation
乙(yi)丙(bing)橡膠絕緣 E( EPR )insulation
聚氯(lv)乙烯(xi)絕緣(yuan) V PVC insulation
3. 護套代號: Code for sheath:
氯丁橡膠護套 F CR sheath (SE1)
熱塑型聚烯烴(jing)護套 PF PO sheath (SHF1)
交(jiao)聯聚烯烴護套 PJ Cross-linked PO sheath(SHF2)
聚氯乙烯護套 V PVC sheath
4. 鎧裝(zhuang)及外護套代號:  Code for armor and outer sheath
鍍錫銅絲編(bian)織 8 Tinned copper wire braided
鍍鋅鋼絲(si)編織 9 Galvanized steel wire braided
無外護(hu)套 0 Non outer sheath
聚氯乙烯外護套(tao) 2 PVC outer sheath
交聯聚烯(xi)烴(jing)外護套 5 Crossed-linked PO outer sheath(SHF2)
熱(re)塑(su)型聚烯(xi)烴外護套 6 PO outer sheath (SHF1)
5.其它結構代號: Code for other construction
軟(ruan)導體(ti) R Flexible conductor 
線對分屏蔽(bi) P Twisted pair with individual screen
6.燃燒特性代號:  Code for flammability
單(dan)根(gen)阻燃 DA Single cable flame-retardant
成束阻燃 SA Bunched cable flame retardant
低煙無(wu)鹵成束阻燃 SC Low-smoke halogen-free and flame retardant
耐(nai)火 NA Bunched cables flame-retardant and fire-resistant
低煙無鹵耐火 NSC Low-smoke halogen-free and fire-resistant
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